Kids 'N Kribs - Blog 2023-02-21T17:30:00-05:00 Kids 'N Kribs 2023-02-21T17:30:00-05:00 2023-11-28T15:42:15-05:00 Sustainable Kids Brands Every Parent Should Know About Gloria Clawson It’s so much fun to spoil your kids with the latest and greatest toys and gear available, but the reality is that these children's products often contain harmful synthetics and can take over 1,000 years to decompose in a landfill. Everything from everyday household staples like diapers to the fabric of children's clothing to BPA-lined plastic products is, unfortunately, as hard on the environment as they are on our kid's skin and health. So, if you're feeling the eco-guilt when it comes to the brands you buy for your children, you might want to consider the sustainable products we have here at Kids ‘N Kribs. Check out our curated list of child and planet-friendly brands below.

Klean Kanteen

Klean Kanteen is a manufacturer of reusable drinkware and food solutions. They are climate-neutral certified, meaning they measure their carbon footprint annually and reduce and offset where they can. Each purchase also supports the 1% for the Planet cause, which invests 1% of sales into organizations working hard to solve the climate crisis. We love them because they offer durable, kid-friendly sippy and water bottles, and even stainless steel baby bottles designed for small hands and mouths.


Looking for eco-friendly toys that are organic and ethically made for your child? You won't want to ignore the teethers, rattles, bath toys, soft toys, and books from Tikiri. They live by their mission of creating sustainable toys while being responsible citizens in their communities and the environment to provide a better future for the next generation. Each product is sourced sustainably with natural materials to minimize the negative impact on the planet. We love their organic and natural rubber teething toys and plushies.


Romina creates beautiful pieces of heirloom furniture through an eco-friendly manufacturing process. Through these practices, they reduce their carbon footprint and ensure they protect the environment throughout the whole procedure. From sustainable wood harvesting to renewable energy production, we love Romina products for their unique and beautiful designs with extreme durability.    


One of our favorite environmentally friendly brands at Kids ‘N Kribs is PlanToys. They’ve created a range of popular sustainable wooden toys for children of all ages and stages of development. PlanToys also utilizes organic pigments, water-based dyes, and non-formaldehyde glue, so every product that comes into contact with your child is safe for them and the environment.


eeBoo is a woman-owned, mother-run organization that creates FSC®-certified products such as beautiful puzzles, games, art materials, and educational products for children. Besides creating amazing toys for kids, their main priority is a healthy planet. They proudly use minimal packaging and plastic components, recycled materials, and vegetable-based inks. Plus they are certified Climate Neutral by ClimatePartner, a status achieved by calculating, reducing, and offsetting CO emissions on a yearly basis.

Magnetic Me

Magnetic Me is known for making baby clothing that is some of the easiest to put on a squirming newborn! Not only are their outfits loved for the simple magnetic closures that require little to no effort to put on, but this clothing brand also uses 100% GOTS-certified, organic cotton that’s gentle on baby’s skin and the earth. Another eco-friendly fabric they use is tencel modal, a soft fabric made from sustainably grown beech wood trees. We love Magnetic Me for its cute designs, ease of use, and earth-friendly materials!

Shop Environmentally Friendly Brands With Kids ‘N Kribs

At Kids ‘N Kribs, we pride ourselves on stocking a wide range of sustainable products that not only benefit the planet but your kids too. With so many brands to choose from, it can be hard to find the best option for your child. To make things a little easier, our team of product experts is always on hand to help you find the perfect product for your little one. From eco-friendly furniture by Romina to footies from Magnetic Me made from organic cotton, our extensive range of sustainable brands has something for every family. Stop by our store, shop online, or call us at (+61)586629285 to learn more.

]]> 2022-12-16T16:00:00-05:00 2023-01-11T16:01:04-05:00 4 Baby Items You Should Definitely Splurge On Gloria Clawson The list of items to buy for a baby can be overwhelming, not to mention costly. The options to add to a registry seem truly endless, from trendy new baby gear like a bassinet that rocks your newborn to sleep to popular items like a travel system that is a stroller and car seat in one. But an important question lingers, do you actually need the expensive stuff, or can you save the budget and skip the “must-have” baby items? Below, the experts at Kids ‘N Kribs share which items you should splurge on to help make welcoming your bundle of joy the best and most comfortable experience.    

 Must-Have Baby Items That are Worth the Price

These items may be expensive, but we believe they’re totally worth the investment. Whether they ensure your baby is safe during a family outing or comfortable while you’re soothing them in the middle of the night, you’ll be glad you purchased these items that will make your life a little easier.


There are endless stroller options to choose from, and each one comes with different functionality to suit your traveling needs. If you live in a city where most of your errands are done on foot, a stroller that is lightweight with a big basket and smooth push is a must. If you live in the suburbs and won’t be shopping during your walks, a stroller with air or foam-filled tires ensures your baby can take a snooze as you cruise.

 Car Seat

A car seat is a non-negotiable item that you shouldn’t skimp on. In addition to top-of-the-line safety features, your car seat of choice should have comfortable padding, a nice handle that won’t hurt your arm, and plenty of shade for your little one. Another thing to consider; saying no to buying or borrowing a secondhand car seat that you do not have historical knowledge of. In addition, car seats, believe it or not, actually have expiration dates, and a used car seat might not be up to today’s safety standards. While it can be pricey, it’s vital to buy a new car seat that offers superior performance and unmatched safety features. 

 Baby Carrier

A baby carrier is something you don’t realize you need until you don’t have one. Whether you’re making dinner, tackling the laundry, or taking the dog out, there are countless reasons you’ll enjoy having your hands free with a baby carrier. The baby carrier you choose should keep your little one safe and snug so you can use your hands freely to handle everything else.

 Glider or Recliner Chair

Another necessity that you'll use endlessly? A nursery chair. You’ll want to splurge on your glider or recliner and ensure it is extra comfortable, provides the proper support, and reclines as you spend hours in it feeding, rocking, soothing, and reading to your little one.

 The Greater Philadelphia Area’s Premier Baby Shop

At Kids ‘N Kribs, we specialize in carrying top-quality nursery furniture, baby gear, baby apparel, toys, and gifts for your little ones. Whether you’re getting ready to welcome your first child or are searching for a gift for your friend, our baby shop is packed with all the essentials you’ll need to make first moments special. Connect with us at 610 687 5437 to learn more about our offerings or stop in today!

]]> 2022-11-24T15:00:00-05:00 2022-12-19T14:53:40-05:00 Holiday Gift Guide: Which Toys and Gifts Are Best for Each Stage of Child Development? Dan Moncada Gift-giving season is upon us, and the options are endless when it comes to shopping for the perfect gift for the children in your life. Many great toys, puzzles, books, and activity kits are available, and you might even feel a little overwhelmed with all the options. Rather than mindlessly purchasing just to cross it off your list, we want to help you make thoughtful decisions about the gifts you give this holiday season and ensure they’re age appropriate. Because our experts have played with hundreds of toys, we feel confident in helping you make the best selection for the little ones in your life this season. Below, you will find our holiday gift guide packed with fun, interactive toys that improve balance, coordination, and motor skills for each developmental stage in a child's life.

Gift Ideas for Kids at Every Stage of Development

As you read the following lists of suggested toys and gifts for children, remember that each child develops at different rates. Items advantageous to one child might not be the best choice for another.

Toys for young infants - birth through six months

Newborns and infants are fresh to the world, often experiencing different sounds, colors, and tastes for the first time. Babies enjoy looking at faces and objects with bright colors. Typically, you’ll find them reaching and grabbing with their hands and feet, lifting their heads, turning towards sounds, and putting everything into their mouths. Young infants also engage in tummy time to develop belly skills, sitting, and holding their heads up. The best toys and gifts for this age range include: 

  • Baby rattles
  • Mirrors
  • Toys with music or that light up
  • Mobiles
  • Teething rings
  • Soft toys like stuffed animals, books, and puppets
  • Textured balls that promote holding and gripping

Kids’ toys for older infants - seven to twelve months

At this developmental stage, older babies are on the move! Generally, seven to twelve-month-olds are rolling over, sitting up, scooting, pulling themselves up, and standing. Encouraging exploration is crucial, as is reading and music playing. The best toys and gifts for this age range include: 

  • Stacking blocks or rings
  • Toys that pull apart or with wheels
  • Board books with interactive components
  • Standing push toys like shopping carts or lawnmowers
  • Musical instruments with lights and sounds
  • Stationary play tables that include lights, music, buttons, and levers

Toys for one-year-olds and toddlers

A one-year-old is generally standing and walking on their own. It’s a time in a child's life when they are on the go, talking, and generally more aware of their surroundings and body. Great toy and gift options for this age group include: 

  • Walking toys like strollers and wagons
  • Ride-on toys
  • Balls of all sizes
  • Books with simple illustrations or photographs
  • Things to create with, like washable markers, crayons, and paper
  • Things to pretend with, like phones, dolls, dress-up accessories, kitchen items, realistic cars, etc.
  • Wood blocks, pegboards, and three to five-piece puzzles
  • Bath toys 

Kids' toys for preschoolers and kindergarten-aged children

Preschoolers and kindergarteners have longer attention spans than toddlers, so now is the time to emphasize following directions, sharing, and interacting with other children. Typically, this age group asks a lot of questions and likes to experiment with different things. Toys and activities that promote movement, sharing, and coordination are best. Some toys and gift options for this age group include: 

  • Tricycles and scooters
  • Building blocks and construction toys
  • Coloring and activity books
  • Puzzles with 12 to 36 pieces
  • Sand and water play toys
  • Musical instruments like keyboards, maracas, and tambourines
  • Books with more details
  • More advanced art supplies like paints
  • Memory games 

Shop Gift Ideas for Kids at Kids ‘N Kribs

Are you ready to make the gift-giving season a little easier this year? Stop into Kids ‘N Kribs today! Our staff is always here to help, whether you’re deciding between the teethers for infants or wondering what the most popular plush toys are this season. Connect with us at 610 687 5437 to learn more about our holiday toy and activity options. 

]]> 2022-10-17T13:00:00-04:00 2022-11-25T12:58:30-05:00 Baby Registry Essentials Gloria Clawson
The Best Baby Registry Essentials to Add to Your List
Your baby registry must-haves should range from big-ticket items, like a crib, infant car seat and stroller, to everyday essentials, like diapers, baby apparel, and burp cloths. Below, we break key registry items down into helpful categories so you don’t miss anything!

Bath time will be a joy when you have everything you need! One of the most important things to include on your registry is a baby bathtub. A good bathtub gives your little one a safe place to rest while you bathe them. Look for a tub that can grow with your baby, from infant stage to toddlerhood. Other essentials to include on your baby's list are soft hooded towels, washcloths, baby-safe body wash, shampoo, lotion, bath toys, and a faucet cover.

Following safe sleep practices can help keep your baby safe. Items like a crib mattress, waterproof mattress protector, and fitted crib sheets are great additions to your registry.

It’s a clever idea to register for baby clothes in several sizes because most newborns grow out of their clothing quickly. You’ll also want to consider the season you will give birth and choose weather-specific clothes to accommodate the temperature. We recommend as a guideline, the following useful items to add to your registry: short sleeve bodysuits, long-sleeve footies, convertible gowns, hats, swaddles, socks, bibs, sweaters or hoodies, sleep sacks, a stroller blanket, bathing suits for a summer baby, a snowsuit for a winter baby, soft-soled shoes, and an outfit to come home from the hospital in.

When there’s a mess to clean up, you’ll want to be prepared! Diapering essentials to add to your baby registry include diapers, baby wipes, diaper cream, and a changing pad. A diaper pail can also be very helpful!

However you decide to feed your baby, the following may be helpful to add to your list: a breast pump, a nursing pillow, baby bottles, bottle brushes, baby formula, baby utensils, sippy cups, pacifiers, and burp cloths.

Nursery Furniture
Essential for every new parent-to-be is nursery furniture. Items that will help make your newborn and you comfortable include a bassinet, crib, nursery chair, and dresser with changing top, plus baskets or bins for organizing and storing your baby’s items.

While a baby's first few weeks will be filled with eating, sleeping, and diaper changes, you may want to have some interesting toys available for playtime. Some of our favorite items for play include soft baby books, teething toys, rattles, developmental toys, stuffed animals, and an activity mat.

Travel-related items like a car seat will be needed as soon as you prepare to take your baby home from the hospital. You have two primary choices for car seat types – an infant car seat, typically designed for a baby’s first year, or a convertible car seat that grows with your baby from newborn to toddler into their early childhood years. A key travel item to include on your registry is a stroller. Chat with our Kids ‘N Kribs team to select the best strollers of 2022 that fit your needs. Other useful travel items to add to your registry include a baby carrier, diaper bag, portable changing pad, and a travel crib.

Create a Gift Registry With Kids ‘N Kribs
Did you know you can create your own baby registry at Kids ‘N Kribs? All you need to do is create an account, log in, and then you can build your registry. Or if you prefer, stop in today, and our team can get you started or help complete your registry!]]> 2022-09-14T13:30:00-04:00 2022-09-30T13:23:46-04:00 How to Prepare for a Nursery Dan Moncada When your baby arrives, you’ll need a sweet and dreamy space that is safe, practical, and comfortable for you and your little one. While the thought of designing a nursery is exciting, and you can’t wait to start, it can feel overwhelming. You and your baby will spend a lot of time in the nursery, so it’s vital to make it a calm, cozy place for both of you. If you’re still wondering where to begin, check out these nursery essentials you need to help you get started.

 Choose a Room and a Theme

The nursery room should be a quiet space in your home with tranquil lighting and little traffic. Since your baby will spend most of its time here, it should be peaceful; with furniture and accessories arranged for ease of use and comfort. It’s a lot easier to design your dream nursery with a specific theme. Your theme can be as simple as choosing a color combination like blues, whites, and grays to something as grandiose as the Jungle Book with vividly illustrated wild animals adorning the walls. With your nursery composition in mind, you can build on it with accent lighting, wallpaper, artwork, rugs, toys, and furniture.

 Map Out Your Floor Plan

A successful nursery design incorporates four main pieces of furniture—a crib, changing table, dresser, and rocking chair. Before you make these purchases, measure your space and map out where the best and safest areas are for these essential pieces of furniture. It’s not always necessary to buy new or baby-specific furniture, so determine how long you want to use each piece. When planning, consider a design where elements adapt effortlessly from the nursery to a child’s room or choose pieces, like a vintage dresser, that can double as a changing table. If you’re short on space or designing the room from scratch, consider multipurpose furniture or simple designs that can be easily mixed and matched with new pieces to update the look. If you’re searching for top-quality nursery furniture near me, stop into Kids ‘N Kribs today and check out our cribs, dressers, bassinets, chests, and more.

 Choose a Crib and Position It Accordingly

Selecting a crib isn’t only about the model you choose but also how you position it in your nursery. Position your crib away from windows and try to avoid outside walls if possible. Consider how sunlight enters the room at different times of the day, which could affect your baby's sleep. Your crib must meet safety requirements and regulations to ensure safety and comfort while promoting a good night’s sleep.

 Choose a Changing Table

Your changing table should have a flat, sturdy, and secure surface with everything you need within reach. It’s crucial to never leave the baby unattended while changing them to fetch diapers, wipes, or other supplies, so a changing table with plenty of storage is a must.

 Add Enough Storage

Don’t underestimate the amount of storage you will need! Your newborn may be little, but their items will take up considerable space. Choose a dresser with ample storage for clothing, bedding, and other nursery essentials. Shelves and organizers are also great; they help minimize clutter, so you don’t have toys or books scattered on the floor when trying to put your baby back to sleep in the middle of the night.

 Add the Decor

If you have the space and the budget, now’s the time to add key decor pieces to your nursery, like wall decorations, artwork, rugs, lighting, and more. Don’t forget to incorporate soft textures and easy-to-maintain materials to keep the room calm and comfortable. If you’ve been searching the internet for the perfect nursery decor near me, we have artwork, mobiles, clocks, and so much more to help create a warm and unique space for your baby.

 Nursery Decor Near Me

At Kids ‘N Kribs, we have the best selection of nursery furniture and decor to suit your needs. Whatever your theme, style, or color palette, stop by our store, and our team will help make your dream nursery become a reality! 

]]> 2022-08-08T13:00:00-04:00 2022-09-30T12:48:48-04:00 5 Things to Consider When Buying a Stroller Gloria Clawson One of the most essential baby items that should be on every new parent's checklist is a stroller. It’s an investment that will last for years if you choose one that works best for your lifestyle. The right stroller can make all the difference, whether you’re taking a walk around the block, shopping at the grocery store, or running other daily errands. Deciding which stroller to get for your new baby can be challenging, especially if you don’t know what to look for. Below, the Kids ‘N Kribs team highlights what to remember when shopping for a stroller.

 How to Choose the Right Stroller for You

Strollers are essential when you’re traveling with a baby. They allow you to easily transport your child and carry the baby’s feeding or changing essentials, such as bottles, diapers, and wipes, while you are away from the conveniences of your home. Choosing a stroller that’s right for you and your baby depends on several factors. What works for a friend might not be suitable for your family. It’s vital to think about cost, lifestyle, and family size when deciding on the right stroller. Do you need extra storage space? Where are you going to use it? How many babies will be using it? These are all great questions to answer before landing on the ideal stroller. It’s also a great idea to try out your top choices! Testing the stroller in person helps ensure that your stroller works for your baby's and your needs. If you’ve been searching the internet for “top-rated strollers near me,” we invite you to stop by Kids ‘N Kribs and let our team help with finding the right 'stroller fit’ for you from our selection of quality baby gear.

 Here are just a few more things to consider when buying your first stroller:

 What Kind of Stroller Do You Need?

There’s a stroller for every stage of life and every situation. Below, we highlight a few of the common types of strollers available nowadays and what (and who!) they’re best for:

 All-Purpose Stroller - Also known as a full-size or everyday stroller, these are solid strollers that are typically easy to maneuver with convenient features like cup holders and extra storage. They are an ideal option for a stroll through the park or a family trip to the zoo.

  • Umbrella Stroller - Umbrella or lightweight strollers are usually light in weight, very portable, and slimmer in profile than an all-purpose stroller. Umbrella strollers generally don’t offer the same comfort level and stability that all-purpose strollers offer.
  • Jogging Stroller - Made for active parents, jogging strollers are perfect for running and jogging while transporting a baby. They are a smooth ride and great for traveling over rough or bumpy terrain. They have three oversized wheels—one in the front and two in the back—so you can turn quickly and be more stable at faster speeds. Because they’re made for toting your baby and working out simultaneously, they can be relatively bulkier and heavier, compared to other types of strollers. Jogging strollers are recommended for children six months and up.
  • Double Stroller - Double strollers are designed for the convenience of transporting more than one child at a time. You can effortlessly carry twins or siblings around the same age in one stroller. These strollers come in one of two usual formats: side-by-side doubles (both seats next to each other) or single file (seats one in front of the other).

 If you’re still wondering how to choose the right stroller for you and your family, continue reading our tips below!

 What’s Your Budget?

Strollers can cost from about $100 to over $1,000. As much as parents want the very best for their children, it’s recommended to stick within your budget. If you have the budget, pricier strollers often come with nicer features like easier maneuverability, better suspension, and higher-end fabrics. But don’t stress about these features because it’s likely possible to choose a stroller that fits your family’s needs based on your budget.

 What are the Safety Features?

Your stroller is made for the safety and comfort of your child while you transport them. Whichever stroller you choose, ensure it meets basic safety requirements. A good stroller is built to endure uneven terrains, bumps, and thumps while keeping your baby safe from harm. If you’ve been searching for strollers near me that have the best safety features, look no further than the selection at Kids ‘N Kribs!

 How Many Babies Will Use It?

Are you planning on having only one child use the stroller? Or will multiple kids use the stroller? Answering these questions now can help you decide on the stroller you need. Investing in a double stroller is ideal for two younger siblings, while a single stroller works best until your child grows out of it.

 How Would It Feel?

Not sure where to start and what the different options will feel like? We have a large selection of floor models of stroller options that can suit every lifestyle, budget, and family. From jogging strollers to all-terrain strollers to light and compact strollers, we have something for everyone. Plus, we offer complimentary stroller assembly for strollers purchased through us and picked up from our location!

 Why Shop With Kids ‘N Kribs?

Have you been searching the internet for top-rated strollers near me? Stop your search now and visit Kids ‘N Kribs! We have a large selection of strollers that can suit every lifestyle, budget, and family. From our jogging, all-terrain strollers to our light and compact strollers, we have something for everyone. Contact us at (+61)586629285 to learn more about our products.
